Over the years I have come to regard Old Quebec Street with a heartfelt, ironic fondness. It could all be simply sad were it not for the foul odour of backroom deals and dark stories that accompany the construction of this mall. It is, then, a monument to how fucked up things can get and still proceed. I wonder whose children got their teeth straightened, or went to university, or put a down payment on a first house on the kick- backs and payoffs that must have surely taken place.
Old Quebec Street, an utter waste of space, time, and money.
cavernous [ˈkævənəs]adj suggestive of a cavern in vastness, darkness, etc.
ster·ile (st
l, -
)adj. Lacking imagination, creativity, or vitality. Lacking the power to function; not productive or effective; fruitless:
useless [ˈjuːslɪs]adj having no practical use or advantage. Informal ineffectual, weak, or stupid
stink (st
ngk) n To be highly offensive or abhorrent. b. To be in extremely bad repute. Slanga. To be of an extremely low or bad quality: This job stinks. b. To have the appearance of dishonesty or corruption:
I have no idea what the back-story is on this place, or the shenanigans that were involved in construction, but every time I wander through the Old Quebec Street cave, the lost potential slaps me right in the face.
ReplyDeleteThere's a beautiful hockey arena at one end, and a lovely entrance into a (fairly) bustling public square at the other. But inside, I find nothing of interest, nothing of character.
Sad, really.