Went up for milk and bread earlier and grabbed this shot of Spike, the cart boy at my grocery store. He's not the only cart guy there but he is definitely the one you remember because his hair is magnificent. He gels and spikes it, hence my nickname. He's a good guy. I have gently teased him about his hair at the cash when he's bagging. The reaction of the cashier tells me it is old territory, that he is probably accustomed to taking a little ribbing now and then. I hope he has it down to a science and does not have to waste much time on it every morning.
It makes me think about how awful it was when I was a kid and we first wore our hair long, long, long . We had good reason to believe that some of the red-necks would take the shop shears to us. That whole trip eased up in time. Hell, even the red-necks started letting their own hair grow down over their ears for a time. Cheaper than getting it cut every week!
I was reminded of my age in another way yet again today. There was a lovely lazy snowfall when I started out, not too much wind so it was kind of nice. I got ten feet down the sidewalk and slipped dangerously, did one of those 'pull your groin muscle' slapstick moves. I stayed upright though. There was solid glare ice under the inch of fluffy snow. My, my, how treacherous.
That was my warning. "Take it easy and watch your footing you dummy."
A block later I was pre-occupied with my thoughts and my feet shot out from under me. I hit the ground hard this time. Fortunately my right hip and my bum took most of the impact. I will be sore later tonight and into tomorrow. I fell again one more time as I neared the grocery store. By this time I was filling the air with nasty curses, you know those 'physically impossible things to do' kind of curses? Fuck I hate the winter. *snicker* so much for the lovely, lazy snowfall, no?
Even though it is only two stops, I often take the bus home if I don't feel like humping groceries. I had double reason for doing so today.
Damned if I did not get off the bus at the bottom outside my place, walk along five feet or so, and BAM! I was on my backside again. It must have looked fairly bad because a young mother and her daughter came running up to see whether I was hurt, remarking sympathetically in broken english about the horrible ice. The little girl nodded sagely in agreement. Even though I felt like an idiot and I hurt this time I still noticed that she was cute. I miss my step-daughter sometimes.
That's the story I am going to go with, the one about how we shared concern over the awful black ice. The alternative is just nasty. Could I possibly be looking old enough that people are going to start running up and checking on me when I fall down, just like I used to do when I saw some old codger hit the dirt? As some of my distant blood ancestors would utter, "Sainted Mah-ry, Mythrrr of Jyzuz H. Christ . . .
It makes me think about how awful it was when I was a kid and we first wore our hair long, long, long . We had good reason to believe that some of the red-necks would take the shop shears to us. That whole trip eased up in time. Hell, even the red-necks started letting their own hair grow down over their ears for a time. Cheaper than getting it cut every week!
I was reminded of my age in another way yet again today. There was a lovely lazy snowfall when I started out, not too much wind so it was kind of nice. I got ten feet down the sidewalk and slipped dangerously, did one of those 'pull your groin muscle' slapstick moves. I stayed upright though. There was solid glare ice under the inch of fluffy snow. My, my, how treacherous.
That was my warning. "Take it easy and watch your footing you dummy."
A block later I was pre-occupied with my thoughts and my feet shot out from under me. I hit the ground hard this time. Fortunately my right hip and my bum took most of the impact. I will be sore later tonight and into tomorrow. I fell again one more time as I neared the grocery store. By this time I was filling the air with nasty curses, you know those 'physically impossible things to do' kind of curses? Fuck I hate the winter. *snicker* so much for the lovely, lazy snowfall, no?
Even though it is only two stops, I often take the bus home if I don't feel like humping groceries. I had double reason for doing so today.
Damned if I did not get off the bus at the bottom outside my place, walk along five feet or so, and BAM! I was on my backside again. It must have looked fairly bad because a young mother and her daughter came running up to see whether I was hurt, remarking sympathetically in broken english about the horrible ice. The little girl nodded sagely in agreement. Even though I felt like an idiot and I hurt this time I still noticed that she was cute. I miss my step-daughter sometimes.
That's the story I am going to go with, the one about how we shared concern over the awful black ice. The alternative is just nasty. Could I possibly be looking old enough that people are going to start running up and checking on me when I fall down, just like I used to do when I saw some old codger hit the dirt? As some of my distant blood ancestors would utter, "Sainted Mah-ry, Mythrrr of Jyzuz H. Christ . . .
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