It's true, if you have to ask why the shot is there and why it would appear that I love crappy looking old chairs (really old chairs), the chances are good that you won't understand even when I attempt to explain the love affair.
When you do a bit of farting around in the studio taking pictures of peeps, you need stuff to sit on. I prefer almost everything I use in the studio to have a little character, whatever that entails and however it is come by.
I am still looking for a stool that has character but I have found a couple of chairs. This is the best by far. Got it for a buck at the local St. Vincent's shop. The red leatherette card table I use in some of my portraits was also purchased at St. Vincent's. What would I do without that place?
I find it interesting that I am not the only local photographer who pops in on a regular basis. There are others who appreciate old stuff with character too. Not just shooters of course, but such a discerning soul is your average photographer. Comes with the territory.
Our chair that looks something like this sits right inside our front door. I like it because it has two houses worth of different coloured paint spatters from the various rooms we painted. History you can sit on.